Basic Agreement Reached for Collaboration with Eternal Hospitality Group (formerly Torikizoku Holdings)



On May 15, 2024, our company, Hachibei Crew Co., Ltd., signed a basic agreement for collaboration with Eternal Hospitality Group Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Naniwa Ward, Osaka City; President and CEO: Tadaji Okura), which operates the “Torikizoku” chain both domestically and internationally.

Moving forward, we aim to collaborate with Eternal Hospitality Group Co., Ltd. to expand both domestically and internationally.



Additionally, Eternal Hospitality Group Co., Ltd. has simultaneously signed a basic agreement for collaboration with AO Co., Ltd. (Location: Yao City, Osaka Prefecture; Representative Director: Hidetoshi Takeda), which operates “Yakitori Ichimatsu,” a restaurant that has consistently earned one Michelin star.

Together with our company, the three companies, and various stakeholders, we will establish a new vision called “Global YAKITORI Family.” By spreading the culture and value of yakitori, a culinary tradition Japan is proud of, around the world, we aim to brighten the world. We will actively pursue not only domestic growth but also aggressive international expansion to achieve the globalization of our business activities.